Our builder’s hard workers — persevering through snow and wind — are really moving on the dream house for Thor and me!
NOTE: People have been asking to follow our progress as Thor and I pursue our quest for our dream home with sunsets over the Salish Sea. So starting with my post of 5/21/22, we set out.
Last time, we were excited to return from vacation to find footings and the first row of low framing for the crawl space. After that, things quickly took off, with flooring and the first wall.

I couldn’t wait to bring up lawn chairs to sit in what will be our great room:

On our next visit, the frame for the great-room windows facing the sea view were in place, and more walls.

Extreme cold weather hit — wind and snow due to the “Fraser Outflow” from British Columbia mountains just over the nearby Canadian border. Our neighbor took these next two photos of our valiant builders working away in the storm!

The structure taking shape:

On our latest visit, the garage framing has started, along with a lot of interior wall framing of the house, hurrah!

One of the great-room windows and the opening for sliding glass doors from dining area onto the planned front deck:

Inside NE corner of the great-room, Thor standing where my baby grand piano will be. I am looking forward to playing Debussy while gazing out at the sea, like Ariadne in my novel THE ARIADNE CONNECTION from Book View Cafe. The two thick posts will support the bottom of the open stairway leading to the second-story master suite and my writing “aerie” on the SW upper corner looking out over the sea. Pinch me!

Looking east toward driveway:

Thor walks through dining area toward kitchen:

You might recall the saga of installing the ground drains and running a huge, long pipe down to the beach, in order to mitigate any potential flooding from heavy rains. Here’s the junction box installed:

The finished drain pipe with a clean-out extension:

We can hardly wait to see more progress, and the framing of the upstairs that will snug up against the great-room vaulted ceiling! Stay tuned….
You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is Pause, a First Place winner of the Chanticleer Somerset Award and a Pulpwood Queens International Book Club selection. “A must-read novel about friendship, love, and killer hot flashes.” (Mindy Klasky). Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com