Progress continues on our dream home with sunsets over the Salish Sea, as Thor builds a swinging lounger inspired by the cabanas on our recent Caribbean beach trip.
Believe it or not, the photo above is not color-enhanced. We’ve been enjoying unseasonably sunny days and some spectacular sunsets this month in the Pacific Northwest after our return from our remote Caribbean snorkeling paradise. On once more returning to our low-key honeymoon getaway, we enjoyed the new additions of a couple of swinging cabanas hand-made by the new owner from jungle trees/branches:

Since Thor keeps worries at bay by always making sure he has projects to build (heaven help us all if he runs out of things to build and places to put them!), he decided to make his own version of the swinging cabana. We thought that suspending joined loungers with adjustable backs would be the way to go, so here’s the start with cedar boards and hinges:

The northwest corner of our native plant preserve felt like the perfect spot, where we could hear the waves (and also wave across the inlet at Canada). To avoid any damage to the plants, Thor dug in four sleeves for the upright supports, instead of making permanent concrete footings. Everything can be taken down during the winter.


The support for the loungers was the heavy monster to get out to the bluff. Can you tell that Thor loves his new shop?

Framework and support held temporarily while Thor prepared to suspend it.

Loungers in place, as Thor works on the suspension with hooks and ropes:

Add cushions, and the swinging cabana is ready for action… or rather, blissful inaction. The sea breezes give us a gentle rocking, as swallows and eagles swoop by and the waves on the rocky beach below shush us.

My task is to hem these pieces that will become hangings for windy days:

Paradise on a sunny day! My sisters and a couple of friends have tried it out so far, and it’s hard to get them out once they start “swinging.” Thor also made re/moveable drink holders for each side, with pegs for bags holding books, snacks, etc.

Rock a bye, baby…. And good night!

You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is Pause, a First Place winner of the Chanticleer Somerset Award and an International Pulpwood Queens Book Club selection. “A must-read novel about friendship, love, and killer hot flashes.” (Mindy Klasky). Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com

Awesome work, good job! Thanks for sharing the process.