“Paddington” — a Species-Inclusive Guest Film Review by Bear Dog

BearAsPaddington(A note from Sara: When Bear saw an online preview of the new film “Paddingon,” he was very excited and insisted on writing this review for you.)

Woof, Woof! Oh, I guess Sara will translate: That means Hi, I’m happy to see you. As a special birthday present for Sara, I am writing her blog today! I am very excited about the new movie “Paddington” (almost as excited as when I see a squirrel), and I want to tell you why. You see, Paddington Bear and I look a lot alike, and we share a similar journey, and I’m glad he also has a happy-ending story.

Ooops, Sara reminds me that I should tell you there is something called Spoiler Alert I should put in here. (Is that like when I found that yummy dead bird in the back yard and rolled in it?)

Anyway, Paddington grew up in the beautiful wilds of “Darkest Peru” until an earthquake destroyed his home and he set off to find a new one in England. On the way, he was lonely and hungry, and finally sat down and cried.

I had a home in beautiful wild Idaho until I got lost and had to roam the wilds, eating squirrels (yum!) until I was caught (very scary) and kept in an animal shelter. I was hoping for nice people to come and take me home, but nobody did, so the people at the shelter put me on the list for euthanasia. I’m not sure what that word means, but it doesn’t sound good.

NatHistoryDinoPaddington also had some very scary times when he was bearnapped by the mean Taxidermy Lady from the London
Natural History Museum (Sara and Thor were just there and they took this photo!). The mean Lady was going to kill him and stuff him for an exhibit. That made me cover my face with my paws until that part was over.

But Paddington, before he got bearnapped (don’t worry, he got saved!), sat in Paddington Station, very sad, until a nice family took him home. He tried to be good, but he didn’t know how to use the “facilities,” and made quite a mess. You can see that the mess I made in Thor’s office wasn’t nearly that bad!


And I got saved by Aunt Brenda, who is part of a group called Happy Tails in Bellingham, Washington. They brought me to Brenda’s house until she could find a family for me, and she knew just the right people: Sara and Thor, who were sad after their beloved Golden Retriever Worf had gone to the happy hunting grounds. So they adopted me, and now I’m living with them and two cat-creatures who are my new brother and sister, Tucker and Turtle.

Paddington also got a new brother and sister! Just like mine, they had to get used to the idea of a hairy new brother who misused the tooth-brushes and wasn’t crazy about bathing, but it all worked out and now they love him.

So, anyway, when Paddington got bearnapped by the evil Taxidermy Lady, the family came to rescue him and the Alpha daddy heroically climbed out the window on the museum gargoyles to find him. That was a very exciting part! You can see pictures of those creatures on the museum walls below. My Alpha daddy Thor is my hero, and I know he would do anything for me, because he never yells at me even when I chew things up like his computer mouse. (It didn’t taste that good.)


Paddington is also a messy eater, so I don’t feel so bad. He loves marmalade, and I love squirrels and my dog food and chew toys and fish skin that I get when Thor barbecues salmon.

In conclusion, Paddington and I are living happily-ever-after with our families, and I hope you like the movie, too.



P.S. Here is a picture of Sara at Paddington Station, beforePaddingtonStation she knew me, and now she is much happier because it is wonderful living with a Bear!

P.P.S.  Sara would like you to know that we are expecting a new addition in March, when Sara’s new novel from Book View Cafe will be released in print and ebook: THE ARIADNE CONNECTION. It’s a near-future thriller set in the Greek islands. “Technology triggers a deadly new plague. Can a healer find the cure?”  The novel has already received the CYGNUS Speculative Fiction Award and we are all very excited and hope you will read it. Thank you. Woof Woof!

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