Happy Winter Solstice! Season’s Greetings from the beautiful Greek island of Rhodes. NOTE: Since our trip last fall to Greece…
Visiting the island of Rhodes — or Rhodos, as the Greeks translate the name — is an escape into sensual…
Although eager to catch the ferry to our next Greek island, Thor and I had to tear ourselves away from…
Join Thor and me for another hair-raising drive up the twisting mountain roads of Karpathos Island to visit the traditional…
With the fringes of Cyclone Zorba whipping up wind and rough surf, Thor and I climbed the ancient cliff fortress…
Fleeing ahead of Cyclone Zorba before it hit Athens, Thor and I landed on this sparsely populated island of steep…
Join Thor and me as we go island-hopping to explore new settings for my novel-in-progress. And, of course, check out…