The Flying Cutterbucks brings to vivid life a New Mexico family’s journey to heal past trauma and move forward into activism as ugly Trumpism invades the country.
I’ve been reading several books selected by the International Pulpwood Queens & Timber Guys Book Club, now that my novel Pause has been chosen as a 2022 title. I “met” lively Kathleen Rodgers via the weekly Zoom get-togethers hosted by Kathy L. Murphy for PQTG authors and readers, and went looking for this novel that was recently announced as the PQTG 2021 Book of the Year. It has also received other well-deserved awards.
The novel immediately pulled me into the immediacy of Trudy Cutterbucks’ life in transition, as she’s exiting an emotionally-abusive marriage and her longtime career as a flight attendant. She moves back to her hometown of Pardon, New Mexico (a thematically resonant name), to help her elderly mother and confront the lingering grief of her pilot father Missing in Action during the Vietnam War. There are also dangerous family secrets with her sister and aunt that must be exorcised and possibly pardoned. And challenges of the misogynistic, hate-mongering new U.S. President Trump to be met with personal and community activism.
Rodgers pulls the reader along with a perfect blend of urgency, and pleasure in intimate moments, as she fully fleshes out her scenes involving all the senses. The authentic settings and history (both past and present) ground the story. But most of all, her characters shine as real people you come to care for and root for to triumph over their obstacles and grow.
It’s also a distinct pleasure to read an honest depiction of the shock and damage — both personal and cultural — that accompanied the election of the despicable Trump, and the permission it seemed to give for bad behavior by too many. Her character Trudy mirrored my own reactions as she first disbelieves that our citizens could elect a man who openly bragged about abusing women and insulted veterans and immigrants; then she determines to Resist on behalf of herself and others. Thank you, Kathleen M. Rodgers, for your powerful, honest, and inspiring story!
You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is Pause, a First Place winner of the Chanticleer Somerset Award and an International Pulpwood Queens Book Club selection. “A must-read novel about friendship, love, and killer hot flashes.” (Mindy Klasky). Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com
Dear Sara,
I’m so honored by your close read and excellent review of my bravest novel to date. I took some risks setting the story against the backdrop of the 2016-2020 presidential elections, but I didn’t feel like I had a choice. I had to take a stand as an author. I’ve taken some heat by a few pro Trump people, but for the most part, readers have been kind in their remarks.
I’m so proud of your comments. I’ll be sharing on social media.
Congratulations to you and all the honors Pause is receiving!
Kathleen, my delight to support you in your fine writing, and your brave voice in speaking out! And thanks for your support of my novel, too. So fun to meet you via PQTG!