More rambles around Rhodes harbor and the haunts of writer Lawrence Durrell coming next week!
Stay tuned as I resume my Greek islands photo journal on Feb. 9 — a slight delay to stay in sync with the same sequence on my publishing group’s website. www.Bookviewcafe.com should have its website hosting issues settled by then. Hang in here with us!

You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Cafe is available in print and ebook: The Ariadne Connection. It’s a near-future thriller set in the Greek islands. “Technology triggers a deadly new plague. Can a healer find the cure?” The novel has received the Chanticleer Global Thriller Grand Prize and the Cygnus Award for Speculative Fiction. Sara has recently returned from another research trip in Greece and is back at work on the sequel, The Ariadne Disconnect. Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com
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