I just received my sticker for my novel PAUSE, an official selection of the International Pulpwood Queens & Timber Guys Book Club!
I’m honored to be one of the chosen authors from many candidates, for my Women’s Fiction novel PAUSE. In December of 2022, all the club members around the world will be reading the novel and discussing. Before that, I’ll be participating in the annual conference (this year virtual), and I’ve been enjoying Tuesday Zoom discussions with the weeks’ featured authors (viewable on Facebook). Learn more about the book club and its wonderful support for authors: https://www.thepulpwoodqueens.com/
Founder Kathy L. Murphy has really spread the word(s) and promoted literacy, with the help of loyal assistants and authors. And the members love to dress up in costumes and party!
I’m also honored by the wonderful advance reviews I received for PAUSE before pub date, and now by lovely comments such as these on Goodreads:
From BooksShelf: “Pause is a beautiful story about Lindsey, 52 years old woman who desires a good life! Escaping abusive husband, breast cancer, menopause symptoms, she will manage to find her own path to the life she dreams. Lovely and often funny story!”
From Jeanne: “Domestic Violence, Malpractice coverup, Sex (and plenty of it,) travel to exotic locations and horrible hot flashes . . . What more could you want in a good book? Sara Stamey blends all of this together to a novel fit for a book club or just a great evening read.”
From Jade: “This is a really inspiring story which will touch your heart!”