Join Thor and me as we celebrate Chinese New Year in Bangkok, starting with traditional Thai dancers.
NOTE: “And now for something completely different.” Thor and I made our first trip to Asia — the beautiful country of Thailand. We were lucky to squeak through the pandemic flight closures in January/February of 2020 as we returned from our three-week trip. Since more travel has now become a distant prospect, we hope you’ll take a virtual vacation with us in the following weeks. (This blog series started on June 13.)
In our semi-jet-lagged state, we were a bit slow to realize that all the red lanterns and other decorations at the hotel were honoring Chinese New Year.

After our first long day touring the wats, Thor gave me a birthday present of a couple’s Thai massage at the hotel spa, followed by dinner theater of Thai dancers presenting a traditional story. Hanuman the monkey god saved the day from evil demons. The masked figure reminded me of native dancers in my Pacific Northwest with wooden Raven masks acting out mischievous antics. Tricksters seem to be universal!
Here’s a YouTube video of some of the dancing, as well as a dragon who wound around the tables.
There were also puppets carried by graceful women who visited our table. The dancers are trained from an early age to achieve very flexible fingers used for the different poses.

The next morning we were preparing to leave past the peaceful pool gardens that featured more traditional images…

…when the loud banging of drums and cymbals created a flurry of excitement and people calling us to follow a procession of costumed New Year celebrants.

Here’s another YouTube video of the troupe gathering with the hotel manager:
After a visit to a snake farm (where we got inoculations) and another temple (coming in next week’s post), we hopped on a Tuk-Tuk taxi to Chinatown. Or, rather, Thor managed to cram in his long legs:

We wandered the streets and markets looking for the starting point of the big parade.

We stumbled across this troupe creating a human “totem pole.”

I was nervous for the safety of the tiny boy on top, but this video shows how carefully they worked together:
After asking people who mostly didn’t know English, we gave up on finding the parade. By that time, the heat and thirst had vanquished us, so we found our way back across on the water taxi for refreshments at our favorite riverside cafe.

One more wander through the lovely gardens, pools, and patios of the hotel:

I love the images everywhere in Thailand of revered elephants.

There was even a pair of nearly life-sized elephants in the luxe reception area. Later on our trip, Thor and I will enjoy bathing a retired working elephant in the interior jungle. Stay tuned!

Next week: The Snake Farm and the giant Golden Buddha.
You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is available in print and ebook: The Ariadne Connection. It’s a near-future thriller set in the Greek islands. “Technology triggers a deadly new plague. Can a healer find the cure?” The novel has received the Chanticleer Global Thriller Grand Prize and the Cygnus Award for Speculative Fiction. Sara has recently returned from another research trip in Greece and is back at work on the sequel, The Ariadne Disconnect. Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com
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