Thor and I escaped to the islands after too many months without travel. Here’s an overview of the Big Island, Hawaii.
We’re enjoying some long-delayed R&R in Hawaii, and the big island is fascinating. Here are some highlights. Please vote on my next blog series: Would you rather see me first complete my Virtual Italy Vacation series resuming next week, or should I take a detour into some Hawaiian islands explorations? (I will complete both series in whichever order.) Thanks!
So, arrival on the Big Island (view from our lanai above). Our main goal was to get back into the sea for some snorkeling! I’ve been working on my surgery rehab (a long, slow process), and immersion in the clear sea is so wonderfully healing.

The ancient Place of Refuge holds some amazing history:

Although lava is not flowing at this time, the steaming volcano caldera and fresh lava flows from the 2018 eruption are impressive.

Sweet, endangered Nene geese come to say hello…

…on our way to view ancient petroglyphs:

A boat excursion to swim with a pod of spinner dolphins!

Stay tuned for videos of the dolphins, and amazing footage of our night snorkel with giant manta rays, truly mind-blowing.
For now, aloha!

You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Cafe is available in print and ebook: The Ariadne Connection. It’s a near-future thriller set in the Greek islands. “Technology triggers a deadly new plague. Can a healer find the cure?” The novel has received the Chanticleer Global Thriller Grand Prize and the Cygnus Award for Speculative Fiction. Sara has recently returned from another research trip in Greece and is back at work on the sequel, The Ariadne Disconnect. Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com
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