Follow Thor and me as we lose ourselves in the fascinating maze of canals and narrow lanes of extravagant Venice.
NOTE: Since travel is still iffy with the pandemic continuing, I started a blog series offering a virtual vacation and time-travel to my first big trip with Thor in 2008. Italy! Starting with highlight photos posted on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, I’ve continued every week, with some detours in real time. Join us in Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Venice, and Milan. Buon viaggio!
After touring the awe-inspiring Basilica de San Marco and other historic sites, Thor and I decided to dedicate our last day in Venice to simply getting lost and hopefully found in this one-of-a-kind city holding her slightly tarnished, fabulous head up as she sinks inevitably into the sea.

After three weeks of absorbing so much Italian history, culture, and beauty, it seemed we were ready to “simply drift” (from the wonderful film “A Room with a View” set in Florence) and see what we encountered as we followed canals, bridges, and narrow lanes all crowded with architectural marvels. Many of the buildings were already partially submerged, or right at canal level. Sea views!

Gondola traffic jam!

The ornamentation on many buildings is mind-boggling:

Veering away from the canals, we found twisting lanes and somehow ended up at an official shop of beautiful Murano glass. (Again, I’m missing my photos.) ):

Sometimes it’s the intimate details that give the flavor of a place.

We found ourselves off the tourist track and hungry. This fish graffiti inspired us to continue, and we happened upon a small restaurant where we filled up on delicious pasta and monkfish for lunch. We knew we wouldn’t want to return on the ferry for dinner, once we headed back to our Lido hotel for the evening of packing.

Seen through a shop window — Venetian style!

More wandering, as I wondered if Thor’s shoulders would fit through this narrow lane.

Somehow we emerged back at the canals, ready for our final mission: Take a gondola ride. (Tune in next week for that watery tour of canals.)

End of the day at our Lido hotel: Thor’s plantar fasciitis had flared up on the trip, and he was ready to rest. As he said, “After a hard day touristing, there’s nothing like drinking a cold beer while soaking your feet in the bidet.”

You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is Pause, a First Place winner of the Chanticleer Somerset Award and a Pulpwood Queens International Book Club selection. “A must-read novel about friendship, love, and killer hot flashes.” (Mindy Klasky). Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com