Missing our swimming during the pandemic closures, Thor and I install a “swim spa” pool and transform our front yard.
Among the many adjustments of this past year of the Covid19 pandemic, a big one for Thor and me was missing our swimming exercise at the university pool, closed since last March. And then I missed the precious narrow window of outdoor summer swimming here in Bellingham, WA, as I dealt with my cancer surgery and recovery. Since we’d had to cancel three trips last year, we decided to use that money (and a bit more) to order a swim spa that lets us swim against a current, like swimming upstream in a river. And we can heat the water to whatever temperature helps fight the damp cold of our Pacific Northwest. Ahh, blissful weightlessness and exercise forgiving of our various old injuries and arthritic joints! We baby boomers keep making those adjustments….
Our pool was on back order for several months, due to pandemic construction and delivery issues. Meanwhile, we decided that the only practical place to install it was in our under-utilized front yard. Thor enjoyed tearing out some of the Oregon Grape hedge that he detests for its thorns, opening up the yard next to our neighbor’s driveway, and getting a 6-inch cement slab installed.

I was just about recovered enough to start careful swimming in the late fall when our pool finally arrived, involving 5 vehicles to install.

We had prepared by hiring an electrician to install the required 30-amp service. The pool guys helped us with advice on chemical balance (we use the minimum of chlorine possible). It took a while to fill and heat, and I couldn’t wait for my first swim until it had reached comfortable temperature. So the first swim was in my shorty wetsuit. I use my snorkel mask so I don’t have to stress my wonky neck.

We had a lot of cars slowing down and people craning necks to see what the heck was going on! Thor’s first handyman priority was building a fence for privacy and safety with neighborhood kids. (We do lock down the cover when the pool is not in use.)

One of the perks of the pool arrival was the possibility of projects for Thor to build. As self-described “on the OCD spectrum,” Thor thrives on projects to plan, and mopes around when he doesn’t have one to fire him up. I always hope he can stretch them out a bit to keep him happy, but once he gets on track, he’s hard to stop. No complaints!!
Next came the propane-heated, outdoor shower so we don’t have to traipse wet through the house.

Next, Thor’s vision of a wrap-around deck from the front porch, which started with tearing off the old, small front deck and steps. (In the pouring rain.)

Then starting the framework for the new decking:

Meanwhile, Winter Solstice arrived with fresh snowfall for our pre-dinner swims. We love swimming in the dark, with the pretty colored lights in the pool, and it was especially lovely in the warm pool with the cold snowflakes falling.

Finishing the deck and installing pavers around the pool:

Next, for more privacy and safety along our driveway side of the yard, Thor built a gate and assembled a trellis.

Because he’s so tall, Thor finds it works best to use the low setting of the jets and the tether that keeps him from hitting the ends. (Now that the deck is finished, we don’t need the stepstool shown below in this earlier photo.) Always looking for a new refinement, Thor now has added a floating Bluetooth speaker that plays whale songs while we swim.

Come on in through our new front gate!

Now we also have a roomier front deck to catch those precious windows of sunshine for outdoor lunch. (If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know how rare those windows of winter sunlight are, between the rains!) Here, Bear dog and Turtle cat share the pleasure.

You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is available in print and ebook: The Ariadne Connection. It’s a near-future thriller set in the Greek islands. “Technology triggers a deadly new plague. Can a healer find the cure?” The novel has received the Chanticleer Global Thriller Grand Prize and the Cygnus Award for Speculative Fiction. Sara has recently returned from another research trip in Greece and is back at work on the sequel, The Ariadne Disconnect. Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at www.sarastamey.com
Wow! What a fantastic luxury! It’s incredible to be able to swim in the snow. It’s like a magic getaway—right in your back yard. (Well, your front yard.)
Thanks, Norm and Sue! Glad you “visited.” Maybe for real before long….
Fabulous! I’m agog!
Thanks, Patricia! Glad you stopped by.