Think of me immersed in a writing project, as I swim once more in my dreams through those magical blue…
It’s Thor’s turn to weigh in on our Greek rambles. After all, he’s been my hero driver and beloved companion…
After a break for a drink in the shade, we’re back to finish our tour of the labyrinth! NOTE: Of…
Wander the restorations of the labyrinthine palace-complex of ancient Knossos with Thor and me! NOTE: Of course, Thor and I…
Join Thor and me as we admire the foundations of the Minoan culture on Crete. NOTE: Of course, Thor and…
Join Thor and me for an introduction to the reconstructed Minoan site of Knossos, with some peeks at related treasures…
Join Thor and me as a few kilometers of roads (with slight detours) takes us from ancient Minoan Phaestos to…
On this shortest day and longest night of the year, especially in my native northern clime, I must honor ancient…
Thor and I complete our tour of the lovely Phaistos site and admire the distinctive pottery found in the nearby…
Thor and I trace the labyrinthine ruins of this Minoan palace-city where I camped years ago to listen to voices…