The Rambling Writer’s New Year: Snowed In

Our Pacific Northwest area isn’t prepared for sustained frigid winds and snow, but Thor and I are making the best of being snowed in for New Year’s.

Around the fifth day of record-breaking low temperatures and snow at sea level (most unusual here), along with severe wind chill from the Arctic blasts, Thor stood staring blankly out the window at the fresh snow dump that had obliterated all his previous day’s shoveling. “What do they do all winter in places like Minnesota?”

Thor finds it even harder than I do to sit still, so of course the answer is that we don however many layers we can still move in, and venture outside into the blizzard. Our neighborhood Cornwall Park provided good exercise for Bear dog, too. He loves whirling around in the fluffy snow, as it flies up all over him.

I wasn’t sure my P.T. would approve, but my injured hip was finally feeling recovered enough that I dug out my crappy old “street skis” for several trips on various neighborhood trails.

Our area services are not up to this level of snowy and icy roads, so the best advice was to avoid driving and ending up in a ditch. After a couple days of blizzard, the sun started peeking out, which made our excursions more pleasant.

Bird of all sizes have been visible (see raven flying to the distant left of the park’s Owl totem), and very busy looking for whatever food they can find. Tiny ruby-crowned kinglets were literally fluttering at our feet on walks, as they searched for insects.

On a long, snowy walk to Squalicum Beach, we enjoyed some protection from the frigid north winds from Canada. These robins were puffed-up against the cold like living tree ornaments as they soaked in the sunshine.

Thor has been busy alternating three different hummingbird feeders, as they quickly freeze even with the heater attached. He can’t let down his little buddies.

In his home office window, Thor has hung this stained-glass creation by my mom Helen.

During the winter season, I always enjoy another of Mom’s stained glass pieces that she bequeathed me. Thanks, Mom!

Thor also did his best to keep our bubbler fountain going for the birds, but finally it froze solid.

Turtle cat and I have enjoyed some cuddle time upstairs, with a good book, beside our gas fireplace.

Decorating with colored lights is always cheering during these long, dark nights.

Thor’s Nordic heritage urges a sauna and jacuzzi, snow angels optional. Hot bodies + fluffy snow = quite a rush!

Thor hastens to add that this snow angel, exited with some urgent barefoot stomping, is not representative of his physique! Tonight, as we bask in the jacuzzi amidst the stillness of the snowy landscape, we raise a glass to all creatures of this world, in hopes of a brighter new year. Best wishes to all for 2022!


You will find The Rambling Writer’s blog posts here every Saturday. Sara’s latest novel from Book View Café is Pause, a First Place winner of the Chanticleer Somerset Award and a Pulpwood Queens International Book Club selection. “A must-read novel about friendship, love, and killer hot flashes.” (Mindy Klasky).  Sign up for her quarterly email newsletter at

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